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Title:  The Boomer Brain
Subtitle: For Baby Boomers Concerned About Dementia and Alzheimer's

   I didn’t have any family who had dementia, but the older I got the more I feared the small signs that my brain was not as sharp as it used to be.  Was I getting dementia?


   There was very little written or published about the aging brain at that time.  It was widely accepted that the brain we had by our mid-twenties was the best it would be and would start to decline until we died.  There was nothing we could do about that.  When I saw the devastation of dementia and then started experiencing my own brain aging changes – I was terrified. 


   Then by chance, I attended a Conference on Aging, and I looked across the exhibition hall and saw a booth about Brain Fitness.  What I learned that day – rocked my world!  I still had control and I could change my brain!  The years that followed were filled with learning all the nuances of the aging brain and how to prevent dementia.  I knew that if I was worried about getting Alzheimer’s disease, many more people my age were probably worried too.

This is an excerpt from my book “The Boomer Brain.” 


   Alzheimer’s and fear are synonymous with each other.  The science from those early days has made remarkable discoveries that now make it possible to say that Alzheimer’s disease can be prevented!   This book is your longevity guide.  It captures the why and how of aging changes and turns them into your starting point for making critical updates in your brain.  Having knowledge, strategies, and tools is necessary to change your brain and life. Knowing how to use them and committing to the process of change will be your keys to successful aging.



     What's Happening?

March is coming in like a lion with lots of brain health events going on.

On March 5, I will be delivering a 3-hour workshop on brain aging, risk factors for dementia, and brain health.  The Council on Aging of Southwest Ohio is sponsoring the Forum on Aging for professionals in the area to learn about best practices.  I am honored to be one of the presenters.


My Osher Lifelong Institute (OLLI) presentation through the University of Cincinnati will be held on March 7.  This is one of my favorite venues because I am speaking to the choir.  These attendees are engaged and interested in learning about brain aging and brain health and all the other topics that come with it.  This presentation is “The Backstory of Inflammation.  A Complete Brain and Body Experience.”  I learned so much in researching this topic and can’t wait to share my information.


The main event in March is Brain Awareness Week sponsored by the Dana Foundation from March 11 – 15.  This is a global event with many different brain programs going on around the world.  Close to home is the offering of Brain Week by the Virtual Brain Health Center.  Dr. Krystal Culler and LeAnne Stuver, founders of VBHC, always outdo themselves in the quality experts they recruit to be part of this week.  All the programs are virtual, and the entire week is FREE to attend.  Registration is required.  Visit for information on the times and programs being offered each day.  Register for the event and enjoy every minute.


Now I know you are waiting with bated breath about the release of The Boomer Brain book.  Me too!  Getting this book in print ready form has turned out to be a bigger endeavor than I imagined.  I have all the pieces assembled but I have run into a few roadblocks in getting it formatted and typeset for printing.  Even though I don’t have it out yet, it has done wonders for my brain.  Since I am self-publishing and knew nothing about this process, I have been pushing my brain to learn all new ways of doing things.  Of course, learning brand new things can be frustrating but once you figure it out, it is so rewarding.  I am still at the figuring out stage, but already I am feeling better about the process.  Therefore, I am not giving a date when I believe it will be out, but I am continually moving forward to make it happen.  Stay with me, everyone.  I will get this done.


My Boomer Brain is going to begin focusing on the issues of older adults and the brain challenges we all face as we age.  Although the tenets of brain health apply to everyone, as we get older there are certain losses, we sustain that might be scary.  So, I will discuss brain function losses, why they happen, what we can do, and how to maintain the best brain possible.  Let me know what you think about this, and if there are certain questions you have about brain aging.


Take good care of yourself, and thanks for being part of My Boomer Brain.



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