Brain Health
For Optimal Aging
Presentations and Programs
​Seminars Focusing on Professionals and Aging Clients
How Much Do Lawyers Need to Know About Alzheimer’s Disease?
(1–1.5 hours)
Financial Planners: Recognizing and Dealing with Diminished Capacity
(1 – 1.5 hours)
Discussion on the aging brain and how it impacts financial
Recognizing the signs of diminished capacity in aging clients.
Risks of fraud, scams and exploitation with older clients.
Action steps to take to best serve your aging clients
Older Adults and Decision-Making
(1 hour)
How the aging brain processes information in decision-making
How brain aging changes filter information and influence decisions
Strategies for communicating effectively with older adults
The Dilemma of Money and Dementia
(1 hour)
This presentation is geared to family of clients
The personal experience of recognizing the warning signs of dementia and the impact on
personal finances
‘What next’ steps for being a financial caregiver
Seminars Focusing on Brain Aging and Brain Health
The Healthy Brain for Life Plan
(1 hour)
An overview of the healthy brain lifestyle
Medication management impact on the aging brain
Fall risks in aging
Action steps for incorporating a healthy brain lifestyle into your everyday life
The Value of Finding Your Purpose
(1 hour)
The affects of purpose on your brain
The benefits of knowing your life purpose
Entering your Third Age with purpose and meaning
Tips to meaning and purpose in later life
Aromatherapy and the Behaviors of Dementia
(1.5 hours)
Four behavioral models to identify the cause of the behavior
Pathways of aromatherapy and affects on behavior
Review of the most effective essential oils and they work with
care issues
Application techniques reviewed for safety
The “Your Brain On” Series
(50 minutes/topic)
Your Brain on Aging and Health
The groundwork presentation on the aging brain and the importance of a healthy brain to support
high function
Your Brain on Stress
The benefits of motivational stress and the severe consequences of chronic stress on the brain
Your Brain on Resilience
A review of how the brain can develop resilience through action and actually help grow a bigger,
stronger brain
Your Brain on Habit and Change
The science of habit formation and why the brain has to consistently and repetitively fire neurons to create
new neural pathways -> change
Your Brain on Retirement
The workplace is a novel and complex environment where
the brain flourishes. Once you walk out the door you have to replace all of the pieces of a brain healthy lifestyle
to offset cognitive decline.
This series of presentations are just the right length and content for “Lunch ‘n Learns”. The presentations review the neuroscience
of these topics. Follow-up presentations and workshops are available for a deeper look at your brain at work.
Corporate Speaking Series
(1 hour each – 45-minute presentation/15 minutes Q&A)
The Neuroscience of Leadership
The basis of leadership is born in the brain.This speaks to
a leadership style born out of neuroscience.
The Impact of Neuroscience on People Management
A review of neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to constantly
adapt); how the brain reacts to threat and reward – on a
subconscious level; the social brain and morale can make or
break a corporate culture
The Neuroscience of Change
Diving through the subconscious brain action of fight or flight in change; understanding of how the brain is hardwired to resist change and making change easier through the knowledge of brain function
The Neuroscience of Productivity
Understanding the myth of multitasking; tips of how to calm an overwhelmed brain; reaching flow state
where productivity excels
The Neuroscience of Motivation and Engagement
Understanding how neurotransmitters can motivate action to completion; improving engagement by understanding the neuroscience of brain function
The Neuroscience of Organizational Culture
Neuroplasticity adapts to the environment – either good or bad; how to recognize a toxic environment;
use the social brain phenomenon of the brain to introduce a positive culture
The Neuroscience of Creativity
The ‘AHA’ moment – the neuroscience of creativity – steps for creative insight and problem solving
Neuroscience and Marketing
The brain is the core of every single decision consumers make; gain an understanding of how to tap into
the subconscious decision-making part of the brain
Neuroscience and Employee Effectiveness
Gain knowledge of how utilizing specific brain functions can maximize effectiveness
Neuroscience and Corporate Wellness
Everything starts and stops with the brain. Through the Top-Down, Outside-In, and Bottom-Up model of
health neuroscience, discover how all variables body, mind, spirit, environment, and genetics
impact wellness.
Each of these presentations speak to the science of how the brain functions. These are introductions to the power of neuroscience in the workplace. Everything starts and ends with the brain. In understanding how
the brain works you can change the whole workplace dynamic, gain a competitive edge and create a
thriving culture.
“You’ve heard about CEOs, CFOs and COOs. But what about a CGO – as in, Chief Gerontology Officer?”
Kevyn Burger – March 19, 2018
The Healthy Brain for Life Program
( Six One-Hour Sessions over Six Weeks)
This just released program takes a 360-degree perspective on brain aging and brain health. We have more control over aging losses and the health of our brain than we ever realized. 70% risk of developing dementia
is due to lifestyle habits and chronic disease.
The Brain Health Program includes information on normal aging changes our brain sustains, along with medication management; the effects of lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking; effects of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease; and, the key to offset these effects through living a brain healthy lifestyle.
Integrating a brain healthy lifestyle (physical exercise, mental stimulation, nutrition, socialization, sleep, and
stress reduction) into your life will optimize your everyday brain function, build brain resilience and help
delay the onset of dementia.
Learn how to change your brain!
A high-functioning, vital brain is within your control!
Each session is one-hour long. Supporting material, activities to incorporate at home, resources and
references are all included.
Contact Pat to discover more details on how this program can change your life.
The Total Memory Workout Program
(Five One-Hour Sessions over Five Weeks)
Dr. Cynthia Green’s Total Memory Workout Program is designed to keep your memory in tip top shape. A
brief background on brain aging and brain health lifestyle set the stage with tools and strategies to help
you maximize your memory function at any age.
Each session takes you on a discovery journey on how your brain functions. Supporting material enhances
each lesson learned. At-home activities put the session content into practical use.
Contact Pat to discover more details on how this program can strengthen your brain and improve your
memory skills.
Financial Professionals/Aging Clients
(Six One-Hour Sessions over Six Weeks)
We are now an aging society. The 90+ age group is the fastest
growing demographic. Leading edge Boomers have passed
the 70-year threshold. 10,000 Boomers are turning 65 everyday.
The first of Generation X turned 50-years old last year. It will no
longer be a novelty to have a client with diminished capacity.
It will more likely be an expected event as clients age and
live longer.
There has never been a time in our history where the aging population is advancing in such unprecedented numbers. By the year 2030, 1 in 5 people in the United States will be over the age of 65. It will be the first time
in history that there are more older people than children. Normal brain aging changes make it more of a challenge for aging clients to efficiently take care of their finances. As age goes up, the risk of dementia increases. This situation can put a lifetime of financial planning at risk. To complicate this tsunami of events
even more is the fact that the Boomer group, along with their parents, hold 42 trillion dollars in assets.
This makes this group a high risk target for fraud, scams and exploitation.
This course goes into detail on all of the challenges the financial advisor faces in working with aging clients.
From the aging brain, ergonomic issues, recognizing and dealing with diminished capacity to protecting
your client from frauds, scams, and exploitation, this course is a deep dive into understanding the best
practices of working with your aging clients.
The Financial Planners Course will position you to make the needed adjustments in your practice to
understand and best-serve your aging clients. Supporting materials, case studies, references and
resources are all designed to prepare and support you and your aging clients.
Contact Pat for more details on how this course will facilitate the best client service now – and in the future.
The Retirement Transition Workshop
(Two-hour Workshop)
This workshop will inform you on the impact of leaving your career and transitioning into your retirement life.
The predictable question of ‘What’s Next’ takes center stage as we discuss the ramifications of longevity
and how it will impact every aspect of your third age. Understanding the lifestyle changes that occur in retirement and learning strategies to navigate through this transition will be the focus of this workshop.
Contact Pat for more details on how to provide a wrap-around retirement benefit that will prepare your
retiree for the next big phase of his/her life.

How You Make Memories and Why You Forget
(1 hour)
Understand how the aging process affects memory formation
Discover how the memory process works
Learn the dynamic between memory formation and forgetting

"The amazing brain is finally getting the attention it deserves. Contact me for personal instruction or to book an advantageous presentation for your company."
Financial Professionals/Aging Clients
(Six One-Hour Sessions over Six Weeks)